Our Strategies
Multi Asset Portfolios
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Aubrey will diversify your portfolio by investing globally and in different types of assets. Shares and bonds are the most common asset class held within a portfolio, other examples can include general or specialist real estate, gold, cash and currencies.
Explore the investment options in our multi-asset portfolio:
Fund Managers

Chris Sutton
Investment Manager
Years at Aubrey
Industry experience
Chris is an Investment Manager and is responsible for Aubrey’s Managed Portfolio Service. He has been with Aubrey since 2014.
Chris was Deputy Regional Director for Rathbone Investment Management in Edinburgh until 2013, having joined the firm in 1997. He was a member of Rathbones national Asset Allocation and Collectives Research Committees and has a significant background in alternative assets. Chris dealt specifically with adviser solutions and has particular experience in managing SIPPs. He joined Aubrey to establish its adviser and MPS services.
Chris is a Chartered Wealth Manager and Chartered FCSI.

David Neilson
Investment Manager
Years at Aubrey
Industry experience
David joined Aubrey in January 2021 as Investment Manager in the Private Client team.
Before beginning his role at Aubrey, David worked for Turcan Connell Asset Management and then Cornelian Asset Managers. In this latter role, David managed portfolios on behalf of a range of clients, before the firm’s acquisition by Brooks Macdonald.
David attained a MA (Hons) in Social Policy and Politics from the University of Edinburgh. He also holds the Investment Advice Diploma (IAD) and Certificate in Private Client Investment Advice & Management (PCIAM). Additionally, David is a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI).